The Eagle, the Crow and the Bat

Release Date: December 2020
The Eagle, the Crow and the Bat is a rich cultural story shared by the Jaara Community about Jaara totems and teachings, and how the Jaara Country came to be. A rich cultural story about Jaara totems, the book explores why the Eagle is the Lord of the Highlands, how the Crow discovered fire and protects the lowlands and how the Bat is seen as the peacekeeper. SharingStories Foundation collaborated with the Jaara Community transferring skills that support cultural continuity and the interpretation of ancient stories using new arts media. The process, taking place over several years, has led to the creation of this innovative multi-touch book. Filled with important Jaara teachings about Country and animals this book is filled with original artwork, animations, soundscapes and spoken word story content all produced by young community members. It includes an interactive map housing drone footage, photographs and drawings relating to important cultural knowledge and sites on Jaara Land. From one of the world’s most prolific scar tree sites at Lake Boort, the map experience introduces readers to clan boundaries, shell midden sites, rock wells, possum smoking trees, birthing trees, stunning aerial views of Mt Franklin and a great deal more. Senior Jaara Cultural Custodian, Uncle Rick Nelson continued work on the project started by his father Uncle Brien Nelson and has overseen and guided the multi-touch book’s production. Senior custodians, young people and community members have joined together with SharingStories Foundation to produce and share this unique insight into Jaara Country, culture and story.
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